Addition and Subtraction

4 Steps to Teach an Enjoyable Math Lesson

Discover how every ORIGO Stepping Stones lesson is organized to help your students develop a deeper understanding of math concepts in a meaningful and enjoyable way!

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ORIGO Stepping Stones gives you the flexibility of using either the printed or digital teacher addition to guide your instruction.

Step 1: Preparing the Lesson, lists the materials you need to teach the lesson.

Step 2: Starting the Lesson, will either review previously learned content, or it will recommend how to launch the current lesson with students.

Step 3: Teaching the Lesson, provides guidelines and key questions that can generate discourse during a hands-on or minds-on experience for students. These lesson notes are designed to highlight the key mathematical ideas of the lesson as well as provide examples of questions you might ask to focus student attention of these key ideas.

Step 4: Reflecting on the Work, encourages students to reconsider the work they did in the student journal. It is often during this step students solidify the mathematical practices they developed during the lesson.

In addition to the four lesson steps, a maintaining concepts and skills section is included at the end of each lesson. This offers students the opportunity to solidify concepts, practice skills, and apply their new learning.


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ORIGO Education

ORIGO Education has partnered with educators for over 25 years to make math learning meaningful, enjoyable and accessible to all.

About The ORIGO Approach
Rocky figure flying a kite.