ORIGO Access & Stepping Stones Support
Don't fret, we have you covered!
This page provides helpful documents and videos answering the most common questions. If these resources don’t answer your question, please navigate to your profile drop down menu in Access and click Feedback!
Students navigate to lesson content through the Class Resources or grade level Stepping Stones icon.
On the Student Dashboard, there are three folders:
- Class resources
- Assignments
- Gradebook
Class Resources will allow students to navigate to the resources available for their grade level.
Your students may see different items depending on the package your school or district purchased.
Select middle icon titled “Assignments.” to view assignments from the student dashboard.
Complete your assignments :
- Select the assignment title. A pop-up window will load with the assignment details.
- Select the blue text next to the book or computer icon.
- When the electronic journal loads, Select icon, with three dots and three dashes, on the top left-hand side of the page to load the table of contents
- Select the module and lesson assigned to go directly to the assigned pages.
- At the top right, the pencil icon will open annotation tools.
- When work is complete, close the tab and return to the pop-up assignment page. Click the blue SUBMIT button.
On the Student Dashboard select the Grade Book folder and look at “My assignments and scores.”
- Select bold title under Assignment title to view assignment scores.
- A pop-up window will display with a summary of the assignment and instructions. Here is a blue link to the student journal with the score earned on the assignment.
- Additional feedback provided by the teacher can be viewed at the bottom of the window.
Click the link below to find many helpful resources to support you as you plan for a successful implementation of the Stepping Stones program. For new or experienced users!
Click here to watch a short video
Click here to download step-by-step directions
Click here to watch a short video on how!
Click here to download step-by-step directions
Across the top of the dashboard, you will see a dropdown with the name of your account. This will allow you access to your profile where you can make changes in notification settings, send feedback to the company, and log out of the program when you are finished for the day.
The home icon will take you back to the dashboard, the text bubble will allow you to access messages sent by the system, and the question mark will allow you to access the Teacher User Guide.
On the far left of the home page, you will find a list of the classes that you teach, along with the class code, number of students in the class, and the class start and end date. Teachers can be assigned to more than one class. Students may only be a part of one class. Clicking on the class name will open a new page which we will explore in a later session.
To the right of My Classes, you will find My Resources. At the top of My resources there is a place to add tokens for additional resources that your school may purchase later. Below the picture of the computer screen, you will find all the resources that are available to you. We will discuss accessing these resources in a future session. Links to additional resources will be available on the right side of the screen.
You will notice some similarities between the student and teacher dashboards. The student dashboard has a dropdown menu under the account name. The profile does not have the same options as the teacher profile, and you may want to caution students not to change their passwords. There is no feedback option for students. Students have a place to see messages, and they also have a home icon.
Just underneath that top bar, students have the option to choose Class Resources, Assignments, or the Grade Book. The dashboard opens in the resource section where students may choose any of the study materials listed on the screen, for instance, they might choose the Student Journal.
Navigation and use of the tools inside student resources will be addressed in more detail in future videos, as will the Assignments and Grade Book.
Navigate to lesson content through the My Resources section of your teacher home page.
Scroll down the list to choose the resource you need. When the resource loads, use the folder structure to find the specific item or lesson.
For each Stepping Stones Module, you will see four folders.
- Preparing for the Module – background and general resources
- Teaching the Lesson – a folder for each lesson in the module
- Assessment – the assessment resources for each lesson
- Additional Applications – supporting math tasks related to the module
When you open a lesson folder, you will notice that the Spanish Resources are listed first and can be opened by clicking the caret beside the label. English resources are listed next. Some resources will always be included in the list:
- Lesson Overview and Notes
- Lesson Notes
- Step In Discussion (except kindergarten)
- Student Journal – eBook
- Differentiation
Some lessons will include additional tools intended to be used in the lesson. Each resource will open in a new tab. Clicking on each resource from the bottom to the top places the tabs in the order of the Lesson Notes.
File Types and Annotation Tools
There are two different types of files represented by icons in the lesson resources. The blue computer screen icon indicates content primarily for viewing. The red book icon indicates content that can also be annotated using annotation tools found under the pen tool in the upper right corner of the screen.
Clicking on each tool icon on the list will open any additional options for the tool.
To make an assignment, select your classroom in the My Classes section of your teacher home page. Select the resource that you wish to assign from the carousel at the top of the page. The process will be the same no matter which resource you select. Once you have ticked the box for your chosen selection(s), click on Assign Selected Content, just below the carousel of resources.
A pop-up window will allow you to complete the details of the assignment. Creating a consistent naming convention will make it easier to track assignments. Additional instructions are optional. A start and stop time for the assignment is required. You have an option to select all students or choose any number of individual students. Click Send to make the assignments.
You can monitor and edit assignments by going to My Classes and then to Assignments. Once you open the Assignments page, you will see a drop down that allows you to filter assignments by All, Due this week, or Due today. You can also arrange assignments by Date or by Title.
Additionally, there are 3 icons in the right column for your use. Clicking the pencil will allow you to edit the assignment and send the changes out to students. The trash icon will allow you to delete assignments, and the link icon generates a link to the assignment that you can post for students, for example, in Google classroom.
Assigning a Digital Program Assessment
The process for assigning a digital program assessment is the same as for daily assignments. The difference is in the location of the digital program assessments. First, select your classroom in the My Classes section of your teacher home page.
Select SS2.0 from the carousel at the top of the page. Scroll to the Module you wish to assign and open it. Scroll down to Assessment. Click the caret beside Assessment. You will find Formative and Summative Assessments in each module. You will find quarterly tests in Modules 3, 6, 9, and 12. Open the assessment that you wish to assign and make the assignment using the same process as you did for a daily assignment.
Locating Digital Reporting and Recording Tools
To locate the Digital Reporting and Recording Tools, navigate to lesson content through the My Resources section of your teacher home page. In each module, under Assessment, you will find a section for Recording and one for Reporting.
In the Recording Section, you will find a variety of options for recording student data. The options represented by the red book can be printed. The option represented by the blue computer is an editable recording sheet that can be downloaded to your computer.
In the reporting section, you will find results from the Digital Course Assessments. Once you select the Digital Assessment, you will need to select your class, the assessment you wish to access, and the type of report you want to view. You will only see these results once you have students who have completed and submitted assessments. There are options to drill deeper once you are inside the report. These reports can be exported and printed.
To review the Gradebook, select your classroom in the My Classes section of your teacher home page.
Click on the Gradebook icon. The assignment titles will appear in the list, including date assigned, due date, status, and class average score.
Locate an assignment, then click on the caret to the left of the assignment title. Your student names will appear and the status of the assignment.
Click on the name of one of your students. A pop-up window appears with the details of the assignment, including title, instructions for the student, start and due dates, a link to the work, percentage box, and space to provide additional feedback.
Providing Student Feedback: eJournal
To review student work from an eJournal, select your classroom in the My Classes section of your teacher home page.
Click on the Gradebook icon. Locate one of the eJournal assignments. Click on the down carat to the left of the assignment title. Your student names will appear and the status of the assignment.
Click on the name of one of your students. A pop-up window appears with the details of the assignment.
Click on the link to the eJournal under ‘contents.’ The student journal will appear in a new tab. Review the work your student submitted and provide comments in the ‘additional feedback’ section of the lesson details pop-up window. Click on ‘submit marks’ when ready to send feedback to your student.
Working with the Interactive Student Journal
The ISJ resources are accessible to students when you assign it to them, and to you through your teacher resource section. ISJ resources are represented by the blue computer icons in each module.
Once inside the resource you will find a variety of tools for students to utilize, depending on the content. You will see places where students may type in responses, as well as tools for writing, highlighting, and making notes.
Once students have completed an ISJ page, they can submit it to their teacher. Once they have submitted their work, students will receive immediate feedback for most of their responses. Teachers will need to score questions with more than one possible correct response. Students will have opportunities to correct responses and check them again if they choose. When students close the page, they will need to click submit. The score will reflect the student’s original responses. Teachers may adjust the score if they choose.
Viewing Student Work: Interactive Student Journal
To review student work, select your classroom in the My Classes section of your teacher home page and then select the Gradebook icon. Locate Interactive Student Journal (ISJ) assignment. Click on the arrow to the left of the assignment title. Your student names will appear, along with the status of the assignment.
Click on the name of one of your students. A pop-up window appears with the details of the assignment. Click on the link to the assignment. A new tab will open containing the student work. Scroll down the page to review the student responses. Go back to the tab with the link to the student work. Click ‘Cancel’ and you will return to the Gradebook.