ORIGO Education Copyright Policy
ORIGO Education Copyright Policy
All content included on our website, such as text, tables, computer code, software, graphics, logos, icons, images, videos, photographs, animations, and trademarks, is the property of ORIGO Education and protected by international copyright laws.
Permission is granted to electronically copy and print hard copy portions of origousdev.wpengine.com for the sole purposes of placing an order, registering for professional development workshops, and confirming order and registration details.
Permission is granted to electronically download a single copy of free trials, product sample pages, support documents, and workshop notes and topics for personal, non-commercial use.
Any other use of the content of origousdev.wpengine.com, including but not limited to reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, re-publication, display, or performance, is strictly prohibited without the prior written permission of ORIGO Education.
“ORIGO Education” and “Flare” are trademarked in the USA and other countries.