
CAMT 2022 in San Antonio, TX
July 13-15

Join our sessions during CAMT 2022 in San Antonio!
Learn more about ORIGO in Booth #404B

July 13, 2022
11:30 am – 12:30 pm Central
Session: Strumming Cords for Success: Access to Mathematics through Literature and Vocabulary

Speaker: Andrea Kotowski, ORIGO Education Learning Services Educator
Audience: Pre-K – 2
Room: 007CD
Description: Research indicates students with a large mathematics lexicon have access to deep understanding of challenging mathematical concepts. Providing students with the necessary academic vocabulary, at the time of concept development, can enhance access to new learning. Students need a variety of opportunities to engage in relevant vocabulary and language related to mathematical concepts. Implementing literature and big books in the mathematics lessons can serve as a vehicle to engage students in the crucial language and vocabulary to access understanding. In this session, participants will explore children’s literature and big books to build collaboration skills, develop previous content and provide mathematics contexts, utilizing a focus on visual representations and vocabulary. Incorporating literature in the mathematics lessons can be a vehicle to support collaboration skills. Participants will learn activities and strategies to support students’ vocabulary development through literature, while exploring mathematical concepts.

July 13, 2022
1:00 – 2:00 pm Central
Virtual Session: Strumming Cords for Success: Access to Mathematics through Literature and Vocabulary

Speaker: Andrea Kotowski, ORIGO Education Learning Services Educator
Audience: Pre-K – 2
Room: 006A

July 13, 2022
2:30 – 3:30 pm Central
Session: Playing Around with Mathematics

Speaker: Melinda Schwartz, ORIGO Education Learning Services Educator
Audience: Grades Pre-K – 2
Room: 205
Description: “Learning that emerges through play is deep and meaningful to children because they have shaped it themselves” (Gillespie, 2016). Engaging children in playful, language-rich mathematics experiences, immerses them in math content, while fostering their confidence as they communicate, collaborate, and think creatively and critically. Participants will investigate and engage in mathematics activities for immediate use in their Pre-K – 2nd grade classrooms!

July 14, 2022
10:00 – 11:00 am Central
Session: Rocking Our Way to Procedural Fluency: Extending Basic Fact Strategies

Speaker: Andrea Kotowski, ORIGO Education Learning Services Educator
Audience: Grades 3-5
Room: River 005
Description: Current standards call for students to develop computation skills based on physical and visual models, place value linked strategies, and mathematical relationships and reasoning. The emphasis on reasoning and connecting mathematical procedures with concepts builds a strong foundation with numbers greater whole numbers, common fractions and decimal fractions. In this session, participants will explore how educators can leverage some basic fact strategies to promote success with extensions to larger whole numbers, fractions and decimal fractions utilizing a focus on visual representations and vocabulary. Through conversations and both digital and print activities, participants will be introduced to a Piagetian developmental approach to support students with computational fluency beyond the basic facts.

July 15, 2022
10:00 – 11:00 am Central
Virtual Session: Place Value: Rocking the Top Ten of Mathematics

Speaker: Melinda Schwartz, ORIGO Education Learning Services Educator
Audience: Pre-K – 2
Room: 006A
Description: An understanding of place value is an essential foundation for accelerating students. If we want students to develop number sense and mental computation strategies, they need to understand how our number system works and why ten is important. Participants will engage in activities that focus on reliable representations of ten that will support K – 2nd grade students in developing a deep understanding of place value.

July 15, 2022
10:00 – 11:00 am Central
Session: Strumming Cords for Success: Access to Mathematics through Literature and Vocabulary

Speaker: Andrea Kotowski, ORIGO Education Learning Services Educator
Audience: Pre-K – 2
Room: 007AB

July 15, 2022
1:00 – 2:00 pm Central
Session: Place Value: Rocking the Top Ten of Mathematics

Speaker: Melinda Schwartz, ORIGO Education Learning Services Educator
Audience: Pre-K – 2
Room: 205
Description: An understanding of place value is an essential foundation for accelerating students. If we want students to develop number sense and mental computation strategies, they need to understand how our number system works and why ten is important. Participants will engage in activities that focus on reliable representations of ten that will support K – 2nd grade students in developing a deep understanding of place value.

Rocky the Raccoon headshot

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ORIGO Education

ORIGO Education has partnered with educators for over 25 years to make math learning meaningful, enjoyable and accessible to all.

About The ORIGO Approach
Rocky figure flying a kite.