
MCTM 2019 in Duluth, MN

We enjoyed meeting everyone in Duluth. Please find information and handout links below from our sessions. See you next year!

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Developing Fact Fluency Through Visual Models

Click here for the handout to this session.
Fluency is more than memorization of isolated facts. Students need to see connections between facts and they need visual models to help form a ‘mind picture’ that connects to a thinking strategy. This session will utilize powerful visual aids and games that help students to master the basic addition and subtraction facts – with understanding!

Developing Thinking Strategies for Addition/Subtraction and Multiplication/Division

Click here for the handout to this session.
This session shows participants how computational fluency develops from a deep understanding of the concepts of addition/subtraction or multiplication/division. It includes a demonstration of important visual aids for developing powerful mental strategies that begin with number facts and broaden as they extend to greater numbers. This interactive workshop will be hands-on and participants will leave with a range of practical activities and games to use immediately in the classroom.

Strategic Thinking that Develops Multiplication
and Division

Click here for the handout to this session.
Students learn multiplication and division strategies to tackle a variety of computation situations. These strategies empower students to be flexible in their thinking. Explore these strategies along with powerful visual models to support the generalizable thinking needed for stronger number and operation sense

Let Them Struggle: Fostering a Classroom
Rich in Discourse

Click here for the handout to this session.
Gain a deeper understanding of a classroom rich in discourse and struggle through the use of tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving. Instructional strategies of questioning, metacognition, and self-reflection will be explored. Let students struggle and be intentional with your instructional strategies.


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ORIGO Education

ORIGO Education has partnered with educators for over 25 years to make math learning meaningful, enjoyable and accessible to all.

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Rocky figure flying a kite.