Think Tanks Sample Cards for Grade 1-5
Click on the links below to download sample cards from our Think Tanks series.
- Grade 1 Think Tank Measurement and Geometric Thinking Card
- Grade 2 Think Tank Reasoning with Fractions Card
- Grade 3 Think Tank Thinking Mathematically and Problem Solving Card
- Grade 4 Think Tank Reasoning with Fractions and Decimals Card
- Grade 5 Think Tank Thinking Mathematically and Problem Solving Card
The Think Tanks series are available for Grades 1-6 with four distinct categories to effectively develop mathematical practices and processes:
- Thinking Mathematically and Problem Solving enables students to develop and apply problem solving skills across five strands (number and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, and working with data).
- Computation and Number Sense develops number sense and thinking strategies for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
- Measurement and Geometric Thinking
focuses on attributes and geometric shapes while practicing core visual, spatial, and reasoning skills. - Reasoning with Fractions builds conceptual understanding and reinforces operations with fractions and decimals. Develops ratio thinking.
Click here to view the entire Think Tanks series for Grades 1-6.